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STK-S2b Hot Stack for Strat White - Offerta Strumenti Musicali nella categoria Pickup
Arrivo previsto il: 28/06/2024

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  • Pagamenti sicuri 100%, Criptazione on-site SSL a 256 bit Pagamenti sicuri 100%, Criptazione on-site SSL a 256 bit
  • Spedizioni con i migliori corrieri nazionali Spedizioni con i migliori corrieri nazionali
  • Garanzia per i nostri Clienti, Diritto di recesso Garanzia per i nostri Clienti, Diritto di recesso
11203-03-Wc With its powerful noiseless Strat pickup sound and smooth string-to-string balance, the Hot Stack Strat will transform the bridge and neck positions of your Stratocaster. It is also famous in Nashville as the go-to middle pickup for modified Telecasters. When your guitar has a Hot Stack Strat pickup, the powerful ceramic bar magnet surrounded by two stacked coils sends more current into your amp, so you get more midrange and a stronger attack than a standard Stratocaster pickup can deliver. Our overwound Hot Stack Strat uses a blade instead of rod magnets to provide even string balance, no drop-outs when bending, and a beefed-up tone without any of the traditional single-coil hum. The blade construction and patented hum- and noise-eliminating Stack design are perfect for adding some vintage-hot mojo to your stock guitar. This pickup would be a great upgrade to any Strat in either the bridge or neck position, but remember this: The Hot Stack Strat is the go-to middle pickup in modified Teles for countless Nashville session aces. Want to take your Strat—or your Tele—to the next level? Look into a Hot Stack Strat. Hand built in Santa Barbara, CA, the Hot Stack Strat noiseless Strat pickup uses a ceramic bar magnet, 4-conductor lead wire, and is wax potted for squeal-free operation.

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